How can dentures become damaged?
The main way dentures are damaged is by dropping them when they are being removed or inserted. Dentures can also become weakened and break if they no longer fit the mouth properly, because of gum shrinkage and change of shape. Subjecting dentures to too much force over a long period of time through teeth grinding, for example, is another cause of damage.
Tips for preventing damage to your dentures
- If your dentures no longer fit comfortably, visit a Clinical Dental Technician. The longer you wear them when they are not in the correct position, the more likely it is that they may break
- Stand over a towel or a sink of water when removing, inserting or cleaning dentures, which will cushion the fall if you do accidentally drop them
- Always take care when handling your dentures to prevent damage
Can they be repaired?
A Clinical Dental Technician can usually repair cracked or fractured dentures, insert strengtheners into dentures and remove stains. They can also repair chips in the artificial teeth or replace ones that have broken off. Some clinics offer a postal repair service where you send your dentures to them and they repair them and return them to you on the same day if possible. If your dentures are quite old and have broken several times, it may be necessary to have a new set made. Dentures that have had teeth added or fractured multiple times are generally not very comfortable to wear as they no longer fit that well.
How long does it take to repair damaged dentures?
The time it takes to repair a denture depends on how badly it is damaged. Replacing or repairing a damaged tooth can normally be done by a Clinical Dental Technician on the same day. If the denture has suffered a more serious fracture, however, it will take longer to repair. In order to repair your denture it may be necessary for the Clinical Dental Technician to take an impression of your mouth with the denture in place. The Clinical Dental Technician’s ability to repair a denture depends on the extent of the damage, how old the denture is and what condition it was in before it was broken.
What should you do if your denture breaks?
If possible, keep all the broken pieces together. Don’t use super glue or try and repair the denture yourself.
The problem with do-It-yourself denture repairs
There are lots of denture repair kits available that allow you to fix your denture yourself. This may seem like a quick and convenient solution, but attempting to repair it yourself may end up resulting in further damage and make your denture impossible to repair again and uncomfortable to wear. It is always advisable to have your denture fixed by a qualified professional who has the correct knowledge and equipment to do a good job.
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Bottom denture just broken in two.
I have lost tooth out of top denture and looking for repair.
Do you add teeth to a denture
My top dentures have broken in half.
How do I get a new top dentures
Our site offers crucial knowledge about denture repairs and directs readers on what to do in the event of damage. Dentures In Richmond The detailed description of the repair procedure is helpful. However, making it more informative can involve mentioning typical repair rates or nearby repair businesses. In general, a useful site for people who wear dentures and wish to learn the fundamentals of handling repairs.
I have a plate with 2 teeth and 1 has snapped off, can you make a replica of this plate as I think it might be to thin to repair.
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Hi I have a partial top denture of my front teeth, unfortunately I had a fall down my stairs and I broke my top denture,so I now have 2 pieces with 2 teeth in and one with 1 tooth on and the plate ,can these get fixed
This post provides helpful insights into the process and importance of denture repairs. It’s concise and informative, catering well to individuals dealing with damaged dentures. Including estimated costs, timelines, or tips for preventing damage could make the post more comprehensive.