was designed to help people who require dentures by offering them advice, information and enabling them to find a highly skilled Clinical Dental Technician (CDT) in their area to create the perfect denture, personally.
The website is run and managed by one of the UK’s leading Clinical Dental Technicians and opinion leaders in the denture industry, Bill Sharpling along with a number of his hand-picked, highly skilled, CDT colleagues.
There are many reasons why people require dentures, ranging from age, illness, life-style or accidents. Regardless of the cause, Bill and his colleagues would like to ensure that everyone can seek advice from them and make an appointment for a free consultation to discuss their denture needs.
Some people may have had an unsatisfactory experience with their previous dentures. At we can recommend a CDT who can create dentures which are exceptionally comfortable, look like your natural teeth and enable you to eat the foods you enjoy, or chat to your friends with confident. Some of the dentures we create even have the effect of filling out the lip and jaw area, making people look and feel 10 years younger.
At we believe that denture wearers should be confident in all aspects denture wear, all day, every day.
I have a denture top jaw I cant eat properly or talk properly they are to big they slip all the time and are so loose I don’t like them at all in fact I hate them I want someone to help please
Hi, I’m I’m new mum with a 9 week old baby boy and on the 13th I had all my teeth removed due to bad care and suffering with abcess. Before I had the op I asked my dentist for a appointment so I could talk about my options but he said to call back after. Now reading the information online and with you I can see that I could have temporary dentures. My cheeks have already stuck in and my son barely can look at me, I’d love to be able to have something on my gums anything right now, please can you get back to me I’d love to find out more thank you
Hi do you make dentures for someone who already has all-on-4 and would like a upgrade on denture ?
i require new set of dentures name of clinical dental technician in Southport srea